Price list is based considering as reference files up to 3600 x 2400 pixels @300 dpi saved in JPG format. That size is larger than the one needed to get 16 x 20 inches prints; taking as reference the resolution recommendations of Prices and Terms and Conditions are subject to change without notice.
Description / Reference
Slight damages affecting your photo. Coloring photos of one person with a plain background. Changing the background of photos with up to 3 people, not needing to retouch/restore/reconstruct any part of the photo.
5 Business days
Description / Reference
Minor damages affecting your photo. Coloring photos of one person with simple details or of two people with a plain background. Changing the background of photos with up to 5 people, needing only minor retouch/restoration/reconstruction work. Adding or taking out up to 2 people of a photo keeping a plain background, not needing to retouch/restore/reconstruct any part of the photo.
6 Business days
Description / Reference
Moderate damages affecting your photo. Coloring photos of up to three persons with simple details. Adding or taking out up to 3 people of a photo keeping a simple background, not needing to retouch/restore/reconstruct any part of the photo.
7 Business days
Description / Reference
Significant damages affecting your photo. Coloring photos of up to 4 people with simple details. Adding or taking out 4 people of a photo keeping a simple background, not needing to retouch/restore/reconstruct any part of the photo. Adding or taking out some easy-to-handle objects of a photo.
7 Business days
Description / Reference
Significant damages affecting your color photo. Major damages affecting your black and white photo. Photos needing moderate reconstruction. Coloring photos of 5-6 people with simple details. Adding or taking out 5 people or difficult objects of the photo.
7 Business days
Description / Reference
Severe damages affecting your black and white photo. Major damages affecting your color photo. Moderate damages affecting your black and white photo and needing to color it; limited up to 3 people. Coloring photos of 7- 8 people with simple details. Adding or taking out 6 people or difficult objects of the photo.
9 Business days
Extreme Categories
Added cost Starting at
Special requests. Extremelly complex and/or large projects. Documents restorations.
By Time
Rush requist
NOTE: RUSH prices depend on how many days before the regular turnaround time you need the order and/or on its complexity. Please note that regular turnaround day is being reset at the moment you approve the order on "Requesting Estimate" orders. Our deadline time to deliver RUSH orders is 11:59 PM EST of the selected day. RUSH service is subject to technical feasibility.